Author Bio:
Helen Hardt is an attorney and stay-at-home mom turned award-winning romance author and freelance editor. She met her real-life hero in law school, and they live in Colorado with their two teenage sons. Helen writes contemporary, historical, paranormal, and erotic romance. Her first two releases, Seduced in Seoul and Passion in Paris, are available at www.wilderroses.com. The Outlaw’s Angel, part of a western historical anthology, Lawmen and Outlaws, releases June 5 at www.thewildrosepress.com.
Blood Wolf, an award-winning dark paranormal, will be out in October, and her first Ellora’s Cave story, Slow and Wet, comes in November. Her non-writing interests include Harley rides with Her husband, attending her sons’ sports and music performances, traveling, and Taekwondo (she’s a blackbelt.)
Passion in Paris
Attempting to overcome her fear of heights by visiting the top of the Eiffel Tower, Raine never expects to end up in the arms of a gorgeous Frenchman. But after fainting in the tower’s elevator, that’s where she awakens. Blaise is young, charming, and hot, so why, Raine wonders, is he attracted to her? And why does she have the strange feeling she’s seen him somewhere before?
Excerpt (PG):
Raine struggled to clear her vision. If he was as handsome as his voice suggested, she definitely wanted a better look. She widened her eyes and scanned his face.“Oh, God.” Her heart thudded against her sternum.
He sat across from her on a black lacquer coffee table. A few days’ worth of golden stubble dusted his chiseled jaw line, and his long nose turned up just a touch at the tip, which, for some reason foreign to Raine, was incredibly sexy. High cheekbones, full lips, an adorable dimple in his chin. And eyes. Deep set and slightly slanted, they sparkled like lapis lazuli fringed with a nutmeg curtain of lashes.But as spectacular as his eyes were, they paled in comparison to the flowing mane of gold that fell over his broad shoulders. She wanted to touch it, let it slide between her fingers like strands of silk. But that would be insane. He was a stranger. He had cared for her, taken her from the tower when she couldn’t help herself, but still, he was a stranger.
“What is it?” He searched her face. “Are you all right?”
“Huh?” Damn, his hair was beautiful.
“You said, ‘oh, God.’ Is something the matter?”
"Uh, yeah. I said “Oh, God” because you’re the most amazing creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.“I just...” Raine cleared her throat. “Water. Please.”
“Yes. Of course. I should have thought. You’re American. You don’t want wine.”
“I’ve nothing against wine. But right now, I need water.”
“I will get it.”Blaise rose from his seat on the coffee table and strode out of the room. His firm ass encased in jeans drew Raine’s gaze. Every part of him was good looking. And...familiar? Where had she seen him before? The elevator? But she didn’t remember his face from the elevator...
Thanks to Helen Hardt!
Blaise sounds yummy!
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