1. Hi Sophia and welcome to the Divas’ Dark Den…so great to have you here. My first question for you would be about Kentucky Hunger. Are there such things as vampires in Kentucky? Because I loved this book!
There are vampires EVERYWHERE…even in Kentucky. :) Okay so maybe they only exist in my head, but since Kentucky is where I live then that’s where they live. :)
2. I know you recently had your first book signing with the Atlantis Allure anthology. What was that like? I read your blog where you described how great it was to see your family congregated there. Did some of your readers come to it?
Yes, readers came and bought and it was a fabulous experience! I was so nervous about not selling a book (to anyone other than my family and friends that is) but that didn’t happen! I am so glad that I agreed to do it. It was a true joy speaking to readers.
I am grateful to the Kentucky Romance Writers for including me in the book signing. They are a wonderful group of women and writers and I appreciate that they involved me in the event.
3. You have four books out with eXtasy Books – five with the AA anthology. What is coming up next for you?
I have six books out with Extasy Books, including the AA anthology: Mystic Roots, Forbidden Desire, Kentucky Hunger, Keeley’s Curse, The Cotillion and Atlantis Allure.
I am currently working on a novel for Halloween release and the title is still up in the air. It’s a psychic heroine and an Irish Druid hero with most of the plot set once again in Kentucky. Demons and rogue druids are involved. I am really enjoying writing it.
The next book is going to be Book II in the Mystic series. I’ve had so many readers request for Mystic Roots to be a series that I thought I should listen. lol
4. Your books are all paranormal, obviously a genre you love writing…do you also enjoy reading this genre and who are some of your favorite authors?
I do enjoy reading paranormal and my favorite authors include (I can’t possibly name them all) Laurell Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, Kim Harrison, Christine Feehan, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Angela Knight.
Having said that, I enjoy any genre with a well-developed plot and characters. I read a lot of suspense and horror and from time to time, I go back to the classics for a little break from the dark stuff. :)
5. I know you are married and have two daughters. Do you have a day job? And how in the world do you balance all these things with writing?
I do have a full-time day job. I am a software developer and I work for an engineering firm. We specialize in providing software and solutions for E911, Fire Depts, Police, school bus routing, property value administration, etc.
I have to say that it is really tough to balance the time. Sometimes I either work on my day job’s projects or writing until 3 am, and of course I work in time for my very sexy husband and my sweet girls and soccer and school plays, etc. Honestly though as overwhelmed as I get at times, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love my family and my friends and all of the activities that come along with them.
6. Now let me throw out a ‘writerly’ question. Which word or phrase do you most overuse as an author?
I am constantly going back over my work and trying to take those out; to make more action statements and less passive wording. :)
7. As a writer, what qualities do you think define a romantic male hero?
I like a dominate male hero, a take-charge kind of man who maintains an honest and noble character and is willing to do what’s necessary to protect the people he loves.
8. What is the best advice – and the worst – anyone ever gave you as an author?
The best advice I’ve been given is to be persistent and to keep on keeping on. Keep writing and growing and developing my craft.
9. Since you are into the paranormal realm and oddities are possible, if you were to die and could come back as anyone or anything, who or what would you be?
That’s really a hard question since I am a pretty happy person and wouldn’t want to be anyone else, but to be on the whimsical side of things, perhaps a witch. :)
10. What is your personal motto?
Uh….let me think on that one…lol
On behalf of Dark Diva Reviews I'd like to thank Sophia Danu for stopping by today. To learn more about this awesome author's work, please check out her links:
Great interview! You named all my favorite authors.
Congratulations and great cover!
Great interview, AJ! I am also a Kentucky girl, so I know there just has to be vampires somewhere around here!
Thank you Annie and Melissa, Sophia is an awesome author...I was thrilled to have her here!!
AJ, You rock! Sophia is a must buy for me :D
*blowing Kisses*
Sophie lubs ya.
Thanks for your comments Deb, Melissa, and Annie and thanks to AJ and Dark Diva Reviews for interviewing me!
xoxo, Sophia
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