Author Interview by A.J. Llewellyn
1. Hi Erin and thanks so much for entering the Divas’ dark den. So in doing a little homework on you, I googled your name and was shocked to find the first entry is you as a bondage and fetish model. I knew you were naughty, but Erin, you’re NAUGHTY! All jokes aside, I know you are not this particular Erin but don’t you get some nasty, suggestive email from men thinking you ARE that Erin?
They say you never really know people, huh? LOL Hello, AJ and thank you for inviting me! No, not me, but the irony of a porn/fetish model and a romance writer who writes sensual, sexy love scenes sharing the same name is hysterical to me.
Actually, I’ve had the pen name Erin Sinclair (for my romance author persona) picked out for years than the model has been alive, because I thought the first name and surname sounded good together. Approximately one month before the debut of Twilight’s Son, I double-checked Erin Sinclair and BAM, Erin Sinclair, model, pops up all over the place. Not sure if I didn’t notice it in prior searches or her career hit a point where constant searches brought her to the top of the Google list, but the rest as they say is history.
I advised my EIC and my publisher at Devine Destinies. A name can’t be copyright protected. We’re in two divergent career fields. I like the pen name Erin Sinclair, so I ran with it. No suggestive email thus far, although I noticed I started receiving an awful lot of young men following me on Twitter recently.
Young men following a sensual romance writer somehow didn’t compute. I updated my tweets with the message, “Sorry, not her”. Apparently, someone must have mentioned it to her because Miss Sinclair started to follow me! Time will tell if it becomes an issue. I have no judgments about her. In my mind she’s a consenting adult, has a constitutional right to live her life as she chooses. I have my career, she has hers, there’s more than enough room for the both of us on the ‘Net, lol.
2. I have read one of your books, Witch One - and enjoyed the cats in it by the way - and enjoyed your story. You are a romantic, clearly. Where did the idea come to you for this book? Thank you, I’m glad you liked it. I love Minerva and Cyrano. I had fun developing the interplay between the cats and dogs. Having been a companion to both species, the personalities I attributed to the characters comes from owning animals I swore thought they were human.
I’m most definitely a romantic. I believe in the power of love. I believe that a partnership, be it friends, family, lovers, built on a foundation of respect, communication, and loyalty wrapped in a blanket of love will succeed against all odds. Witch One grew out of my enjoyment of escapist fantasy over the years plus ideas I have on certain aspects of spirituality. I grew up watching Bewitched, Fantasy Island, etc. My personal spiritual belief system includes the concepts of a divine feminine and a divine masculine presence in my life. The idea for Witch One is an evolution and inspiration of all those influences.
3. Please tell me about your Fallen Angels series. I know Twilight’s Son came out last year and I am fascinated by the topic of reborn angels and the lives they live on earth. I know you have a new book in the series, The Betrothed coming out. I know this involves the same two characters, Brie and Shade. What new developments occur in this book and how many do you see in the series?
I’m fascinated by angels, angelic energy and have explored the concepts all of my life as well. The idea for the novels came to me when I was on the phone at my former job listening to an irate customer.
In order not to take his ranting personally, I zoned out. Suddenly, this beautiful angelic man appeared in my mind’s eye. I started writing down everything about him. His name is Shade. He calls himself Shade, as he believes he is only a shadow of his former self. The love he has for his human ward is so powerful he gave up his entire angelic existence just to be with her. In the world I’ve created that means giving up a very special gift clearly delineating the difference between an angel’s soul and a human’s soul. I don’t want to say what that is, suffice to say it is an enormous sacrifice.
However, as is the way with most great loves there is always something or someone who attempts to interfere. In my world, that would be the Archangel Uriel, the angel whom, according to biblical lore, will be the judge all of humanity when the world ends in the distant future. Twilight’s Son introduces our couple. Their relationship and their world develop in the first novel. It isn’t lighthearted (she’s a homicide detective and investigates a murder) but it is romantic and sensual.
The Betrothed is far darker than Twilight’s Son. It is a continuation of Brie and Shade’s story but revolves around discovery, conflict, and revelations leaving the hero and heroine at a place in their relationship where the rose colored glasses from Twilight’s Son are ripped away. Garden of Eden is the third and final novel of the series. It’s the Armageddon, the culmination of Books 1 and 2 and will take place in a very short period, picking up where The Betrothed left off. Yes, the biblical/spiritual references are intentional. The Fallen Angel series is a trilogy.
4. Wow, Erin. It sounds great. I WILL read all three! Where do you live and what is your life like? Apart from writing, what are your interests?
I live in Las Vegas, Nevada but not for much longer. My husband and I are moving to the Midwest at the beginning of August, 2009. My life right now consists of endlessly packing. My life prior to prepping for the move consisted of defining me.
I was reborn at 30 when I divorced and became a single mom. The succeeding years spent learning an awful lot about myself and realizing I’m still…becoming, what that is remains to be seen. However, one aspect I know for sure is perennial is I am a writer. I can’t wait to see where this part of the journey takes me.
I have varied interests, but they seem to revolve primarily around all things artistic. I love design--interior and horticulture. I’m considering becoming a certified paralegal (as I have practiced in law for years) however, because I have such a passion for design that may change once I’m settled in Oklahoma.
Our environment is so important to us on so many levels I love the idea of helping people create sacred spaces inside and out. I’m a very conscientious green fiend and love the idea of nurturing and protecting my first mother, the Earth. Time will tell. My immediate goals are to finish my degree (in Art and Creative Writing) and become a successful author.
5. What is your writing routine like? Are you balancing a job as well as being a wife and mom - as well as writing? Do you write every day?
My writing routine prior to publishing Twilight’s Son was more along the lines of dreaming. I wrote when the mood struck me always with the desire of someone publishing me in mind. My haphazard writing habits are now unacceptable. It is my career. Organization and consistency is the key to production.
Over the last year I’ve let life take over and haven’t been as consistent in my writing technique as I know I should be. I try to write something every day but even that approach is unacceptable to me and will be pushing myself harder once after The Big Move. One thing I didn’t anticipate is how overwhelming it is to learn how to self-promote. I know my way around a computer and one or two social websites but I am a total novice in public relations. I’m considering a promotion company eventually but I’m the kind of person who wants to know how first before I allow others that type of control over me. It will enable me to know what to look for if their approach gets out of hand.
I balanced wife/mom/day job/writing and it wasn’t easy. Something always had to give. I put needs first wants second. My gorgeous girls are now married and on their own. My husband is very low maintenance because he’s so easy-going my focus has narrowed to me which is really helping me develop my writing career and how I should approach it.
6. Which authors and genres do you like to read? What are you reading right now?
I read everything. I’m finally incorporating reading for entertainment back into my life. I’ve been a student for so long I’ve been reading books that teach me something for the most part. I read all genres with the exception of horror/gore because I don’t understand the attraction to that genre at all. I do love suspense/thriller if it is well written and keeps me breathless until the end though.
I love anything by Marion Zimmer Bradley, love Anne McCaffrey. I’ve read just about everything ever written by Kathleen Woodiwiss. Love Anne Rice. When I was younger I was a big fan of King and Koontz. Loved Judith Krantz and Danielle Steel when a teenager, definitely Maya Angelou, Judy Blume, Toni Morrison. I love anything written by the husband and wife team of David and Leigh Eddings. I’m having so much fun writing romance, I’m rediscovering my enjoyment of the genre.
7. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Self-doubt. I was going to say procrastination, but I get around to accomplishing what I put off, eventually.
8. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
9. What was your favorite childhood toy?
My Breyer model horses. Anything to do with horses for that matter. Oh and my Pentax K-1000 camera, of which I still have to this day. I fancy myself an up and coming genius free lance photographer one day, lol.
10. You have an intriguing quote on your website. I bet you would have been so much fun to hang out with at school! “One of my many goals in life is to engage you, the reader, to take you to my worlds, drop you off, let you have fun in my playground, then bring you home. Tomorrow we’ll do it again!” Don’t you think romance writing should be like this? A beautiful escape?
I write with two goals in mind, one to entertain, one to impact. I love receiving feedback from readers because the ideas I think about enter into my novels. I wonder if other people think about those subjects I write about and what’s their perspective on them as well. Romance writing is all about beautiful escape. I’m glad to be a part of it.
I have very distinct ideas on what romance should be like. I observe some couples I know and think, “You guys, it doesn’t have to be that hard!” One of the most beautiful expressions of love I’ve EVER heard of was while watching an Oprah Winfrey show many years ago. It dealt with the devastating effects cancer has on a family psychologically, spiritually and emotionally. I was crying my eyes out through the whole show.
A wife learned she had breast cancer. Her adoring husband was by her side through all of it. When she started going through chemotherapy, she started losing her hair, a feature the husband adored. She was afraid he wouldn’t love her any more because she was losing her hair, her breasts, things she thought marked her as woman, as female (okay, choking up here). He lovingly shaved her head, and then he shaved his! When her eyebrows fell out he shaved his as well. It was the dedication, the solidarity that brought me to tears. He let her know in no uncertain terms he had her back, she wasn’t alone and never would be.
Another love story that I’ve never forgotten was on a NOVA episode regarding HIV. This old (they were both in their 70s) divorced couple, who remained friends despite the break-up had a gay son who tested positive for the virus.
The young man’s partner nursed his lover until the day the young man died in his arms. The old man, who had issues at first with his son’s sexuality but eventually came to terms with it, made such a profound statement in his interview, I’ve never forgotten it. This isn’t verbatim, but he said, “The love my son experienced prior to his death was astounding. The devotion his partner showed him until he died was not something I could ever have been capable of giving my wife. Who am I to judge my child when I myself could never love like that?”
I bawled my eyes out! That’s what I write about, the love we should all have, should be able to give and love that knows no boundaries. It is the type of love I have with my current husband.
11. That was a beautiful answer, Erin...wow...I have water on my face...ahem...what is your greatest extravagance?
Designer perfume. One day I hope to include designer shoes and purses of unique beauty in the mix. They are all my weakness! LOL
12. Please tell me about any of your other upcoming projects.
My current publisher, Devine Destinies, mainstream imprint to eXtasy Books, has contracted me for some wonderful projects. Once the Fallen Angel series is complete I am moving on to my next set of stories, a paranormal romantic comedy series known as Big Fat Greek Tall Tales of which Cupid’s Folly – Tall Tale 1 was released on February 15, 2009! It is a series set in 21st century San Francisco approaching the Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses with tongue totally in cheek.
I’m having a rocking good time writing them because I love romantic comedy with an HEA. From there I will complete my shape shifter series known as The Five Prides (five full length novels in all). This series will be dark and intense. I’ve come up with an intriguing twist on the concept I hope readers will love. I’ve also written a short erotica story for eXtasy Books’ Café Nowhere anthology entitled, Kameoth.
It is set during the firestorm created by the allied bombings of Hambourg, Germany in 1943. It is currently in edits. It is my understanding Café Nowhere will be released in September, 2009. I have much more on my plate, now to start writing them!
On behalf of Dark Diva Reviews, I’d like to thank the lovely Erin Sinclair for stopping by today. To learn more about this talented author, please check out her links:
Thank you, AJ, this was so enjoyable and thank you, readers of romance! I can be found at— www.erinsinclairauthor.com
plus I blog every Friday at http://themanyshades.blogspot.com/.
Come join me and together let’s believe in love that’s out of this world!
AJ Fantastic Job!! Erin You found Yourself a New Reader!!! Thank You both!!
What a wonderful interview. Thank you for sharing. :)
That was such a great interview AJ. I loved learning how she came up with her story ideas. Thank you for sharing it with us.
As always, AJ has given us a fabulous interview of a very interesting author!
Erin, I agree with you on the lying. I can't stand liars and can actually tolerate almost any other trait, other than stealing.
Hello everyone! I had so much fun with the interview, I'm glad you all enjoyed it!
silverpixies - Thank you and welcome aboard!
Melissa - yep, right there with you Melissa. You never know where you stand with someone who lies, I don't like that instability, as for thieves, agreed, how lazy can a person be? All the energy applied toward taking something not yours could have be utilized to gain the object in an honest fashion, you know?
Jambrea and Jen - Hi there!
Erin Sinclair
"For love that's out of this world!"
AJ what a great Interview!
Erin, I love your work. Thank you for letting us get to know you.
Thanks for stopping by everyone. I loved Erin's responses and the HIV story brought tears to me....or somehow got water on my face.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing!
I hand you my box of tissues, right there with you :~).
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